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Mezgroni 200ml
Mezgroni 200ml
The first of our 200ml pre-blended cocktails, Mezgroni is one of our favourite drinks and has fast become the signature at House Wine. Mezgroni builds off the classic Negroni, substituting Gin for Mezcal (an agave spirit made by roasting the cactus hearts) and made with a wine-based Italian bitter aperitif and our own Bloody Vermouth. Bitter, smoky and smooth, Mezgroni is our anytime cocktail... perfect as an aperitif but equally at home rounding out a meal.
Mezgroni is 25% ABV with each 200ml bottle containing 4 standard drinks.
"Aromas and flavours of red wine and spices, some coffee elements and soy, dried herbs and earth. The agave comes through on the palate, has a generous warmth about it and a nice satin touch. The rest is all cocktail. Best served cool to cold in the right glass with a long twist of orange. If you happen to find this drink a tad too bitter, just add in a squeeze of fresh orange juice (from an orange). Overall - very good." 90 Points - Cameron Douglas MS